Clayson Museum Book Inventory
016 Ame, American Imprints Inventory, No. 4. Checklist of Chicago Ante-Fire Imprints, 1851-1871. Chicago Historical Bookworks, 1938.
016 Ill, Illinois State Library. Newspapers in the (Illinois) Historical Library. c. 1994.
028.5, Fun for Tiny Tots. Pre-1905.
028.5 Dun, Dunham, O.M. Noon-day Fancies. Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1889.
028.5, Van Dyke, Henry. Spirit of Christmas. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1925, c. 1905
028.5, Shirley Temple’s Stories That Never Grow Old. Random House, 1958.
028.5, Arthur, T. S. The Children’s Hour: A Magazine for the Little Ones. T. S. Arthur & Sons, July 1870.
028.5, Wetherbee, F. I. Juvenile Painting Gallery. M. A. Donahue and Co., 1908.
030 Children’s Book Of Knowledge
030 Bon, Bond, Harold Lewis. An Encyclopedia of Antiques. Hale, Cushman and Flint, 1937.
030 Cen, Century Dictionary Cyclopedia. Century Company, 1894-95.
050 Pet, Peterson’s Magazine. Peterson, 1881.
069.5 Che, Chenhall, Robert G. The Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging: A Revised and Expanded Version of Robert G. Chenhall’s System. American Association for State and Local History, 1988.
070 Sco, Scott, Franklin Williams. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814-1879. 1910
200 Gaf, Gaffney, Rev. Thomas. Catholic Bible Symbols. John Hertel Co., 1910.
220 Hol, The Holy Bible, Old and New Testament.
225 Bib, The New Testament of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. American Bible Society, 1836.
305.4 Gre, Green, Harvey. The Light of the Home: An Intimate View of the Lives of Women in Victorian America. Random House, 1983.
324 Ill, Sun-Times Features, Inc. Illinois Women — 75 Years of the Right to Vote. 1996.
329.7 Pun, Punjabi Pages, 2008. Punjabi Society of Chicago, 2008.
331.7 Sag, Sage, Elizabeth. Occupations for Little Fingers. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1905.
332 Sub, Arnold, Jack. Suburban Bank Corp., Inc. 1961-1994. Suburban Bank Corp., 1994.
351 Jam, James, J. A. Government in State and Nation. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909.
361.1 Pos, Possley, Maurice. The Brown’s Chicken Massacre. Berkeley Books, 2003.
372.4 Chi, The Children’s Hour, a Magazine. T. S. Arthur & Sons, 1870.
372.4 Sun, Sunday Scrap Album. F. H. Revell, 1881.
384.6 Boe, Boettinger, H. M. The Telephone Book; Bell, Watson, Vail and American Life. Riverwoods Publishers, 1977.
384.6 Cau, Caughlin, William. Ameritech in Illinois – A Photographic History. Ameritech Corp., 1998.
385 Whi, Whitney, Richard. Old Maud: The Story of the Palatine, Lake Zurich and Wauconda Railroad. Transportation Trails, 1992.
391 Fer, Ferguson, Barbara Cheney. The Paper Doll, A Collector’s Guide. Wallace-Homestead Book Co., 1982.
391 Oke, O’Keefe, Linda. Shoes, A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers and More. Workman Publishing Co., 1996.
391.09 Mur, Murray, Maggie Pexton. Changing Styles in Fashion: Who, What, Why?Fairchild Publications, 1989.
394.2 Moo, Moore, Clement Clarke. The Night Before Christmas or a Visit from Saint Nicholas. Philomel Books, 1870 (repro).
395 Boo, Vogue. Vogue’s Book of Etiquette. Conde Naste Publications, 1925.
396 San, Sanger, Margaret. Women and the New Race. Truth Publishing Co., 1920.
398.2 Jer, Jerrald, Walter, ed. Big Book of Fables. Dodge Publishing.
398.4 Hof, Hoffmann, E. T. A. The Nutcracker. Gramercy Books, 1984.
415 Met, Metcalf, Robert C. English Grammar for Common School. The American Book Company, 1894.
420 Chi, Chicago Public Schools. Chicago Public Schools Spelling Book for Grades 4-8. Chicago Public Schools, 1918.
421 Dic, Dickson, William Bradford. Modern Punctuation. Putnam’s Sons, 1903.
421 Hen, Henderson, N. P. Test Words for English Orthography with Full Definitions. Clark and Maynard, 1878.
423 Rog, Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, Classified and Arranged. Thos W. Crowell, 1879?
423 Web, Webster’s Primary School Dictionary. A Dictionary of the English Language Designed for Use in Primary Schools. G. & C. Merriam Co.,1892.
423.04 Ulv, Ulvestad, Martin. English – Danish – Norwegian Dictionary. Martin Ulvestad, 1895.
425 Cla, Clark, S. W. A Practical Grammar. A. S. Barnes Co., 1872.
425 Met, Metcalf, Robert C. English Grammar for Common Schools. American Book Co., 1894.
425 She, Sheldon. Sheldon’s Word Studies. Sheldon & Company, 1886.
428 Ana, Analytical First Reader. Geo. Sherwood & Co., 1866.
428.1 Mcg, McGuffey. McGuffey’s Eclectic Spelling Book. American Book Co., 1879.
428 Mcg, McGuffey, William H. McGuffey’s New Third Reader. W. B. Smith & Co., c. 1850.
428 Smi, Smiles, Samuel. Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them. U. S. Publishing House, 1883.
428.1 Atw, Atwood, Elizabeth F. A Practical Commercial Speller. Ginn & Co., 1905.
428.1 Hor, Horn, Ernest, et al. The Horn-Asebaugh Fundamentals of Spelling. Lippincott, 1928.
428.1 Pat, Patterson, Calvin. Patterson’s Common School Speller. Sheldon & Co., 1874.
428.1 Pei, Peirce, Walter Merton. The Peirce Spellers, Book One and Book Two. Ginn and Company, 1912.
430 Eys, Eysenbach, William. A Practical German Grammar. Ginn and Company, 1893.
430 War, German Phrase Book. War Department, 1943.
430 Wh, Whitney, William Dwight. A Compendious German and English Dictionary. Henry Holt and Company, 1877.
430 Wit, Witter. Witter’s German-English Primer and New First German Reader for Public Schools. C. Witter, 1881.
470 Ben, Bennett, Charles E. New Latin Grammar.
470 Tue, Tuell-Hiram. A Beginner’s Book in Latin. Norwood Press, 1900.
497 Mo, An Introduction to the Study of the Maya Heiroglyphs. 1915.
500 Bar, Barber, Fredric Delos. Lessons in Science. Henry Holt & Co., 1916.
510 Bra, Bradbury, William F. Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Thompson, Brown & Co., 1872.
510 Cla, Clark, Mae Knight. Numbers at Work. MacMillan Company, 1947.
510 Fis, Fish, Daniel W. The Rudiments of Written Arithmetic. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1878.
510 Fis, Fish, Daniel. Progressive Practical Arithmetic. Ivison, 1877.
510 Fis, Fish, Daniel. Progressive Higher Arithmetic. Ivison, etc., 1875.
510 Tho, Thomson, James B. Higher Arithmetic. Ivison, 1862.
512 Dav, Davies, Charles. New Elementary Algebra. A. S. Barnes & Co., 1877.
512 Wel, Wells, Webster. Complete Course in Algebra. D. C. Heath & Co., 1899.
516 Wen, Wentworth, George. Solid Geometry. Ginn & Co., 1913.
516 Wen, Wentworth, George. Trigonometry. Ginn & Co., 1891.
520 Bar, Bartlett, M. R. Young Ladies’ Astronomy. Bartlett, M. R., 1825.
520 Bur, Burritt, Elijah H. Geography of the Heavens. F. J. Huntington, 1852.
530 Ave, Avery, Elroy. School Physics. Butler, Sheldon & Co.,1895.
530 Joh, Johnston, John. A Manual of Natural Philosophy. Charles Desilver, 1861.
530 Mil, Millikan, Robert A. A Laboratory Course in Physics. Ginn & Co., 1906.
540 Bro, Brownlee, Raymond. First Principles of Chemistry. Allyn & Bacon, 1908.
540 Han, Handbook of Chemistry & Physics; Fifth Edition. Chemical Rubber Co., 1917.
540 Hol, Holmes, Harry. Laboratory Manual of General Chemistry. Macmillan Co., 1928.
540 Hoo, Hooker, Worthington. Science for the School and Family. Part II Chemistry. Harper & Brothers, 1887.
540 Ken, Kendall, James. Laboratory Outline of Smith’s College Chemistry. Century Co., 1923.
540 Mut, Muter, John. A Short Manual of Analytical Chemistry. P. Blakeston’s & Son, 1903.
551.4 Col, Colton, J. H. Common School Geography. Sheldon & Co., 1868.
551.4 Fit, Fitch, George W. Outlines of Physical Geography. Sheldon & Co.
551.4 Mon, Monteith, James. New Physical Geography for Grammar, High Schools and Colleges. A. S. Barnes & Co., 1885.
572 Den, Densmore, Frances. Chippewa Customs. Bureau of American Ethnology, 1929.
572 Mic, Michelson, Truman. Contributions to Fox Ethnology. Bureau of American Ethnology, 1927.
572.97 By, Dictionary of the Choctaw Language.
572.97 Bo, Handbook of American Indian Languages. 1922.
572.97 Bo, Boas, Franz. Kutenai Tales. 1918.
572.97 He, Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians. 1914.
572.97 Ka, Blood Revenge, War, and Victory Feasts among the Jibaro Indians of Eastern Ecuador. 1923.
572.97 Ki, Archaeological Explorations in Northeastern Arizona. 1919.
574 Woo, Wood, Rev. J. G. New Illustrated Natural History. M. A. Donohue & Co.
574.1 Rit, Ritchie, John. Human Physiology. World Book Co., 1910.
574.4 Are, Arey, Leslie Brainerd. Developmental Anatomy. W. B. Saunders Co., 1931.
574.19 Bod, Bodanski, Meyer. Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, 1931.
580 Apg, Apgar, E. A. New Plant Analysis. American Book Co., 1892.
590 Mar, Marshall, A. Milnes. Practical Zoology, A Junior Course of. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1899.
595.7 Kno, Knobel, Edward. The Night Moths of New England. Bradlee Whiddeen, 1895.
607 Rep, U. S. Patent Office. Patent Office Report. U. S. Government, 1845.
610 Pie, Pierce,R. V. People’s Common Sense Medical Advisor. World’s Dispensery Printing Office, 1890.
610 Sch, School, B. Frank. Library of Health. Historical Publishing Co., 1923.
612 Das, Dashiell, John Frederick. Experimental Manual in Psychology. Houghton Mifflin, 1931.
612 His, Hiss, A. Emil. Thesaurus of Proprietary Preparations and Pharmaceutical Specialties. G. P. Engelhard & Co., 1899.
612 Hou, Hough, Theodore. Elements of Hygiene and Sanitation. Ginn & Co., 1906.
612 Jor, Jordan, Harvey Ernest. Textbook of Histology. D. Appleton & Co., 1931.
612 Reh, Rehberger, George. Lippincott’s Quick Reference Book for Medicine and Surgery. J. B. Lippincott Co., 1920.
612 Tra, Tracy, Roger S. Outlines of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. American Book Co., 1884.
612.6 Whe, Wheeler, Marianna. Before the Baby Comes. Harper & Brothers, 1914.
614.2 Ev, The Home Physician and Guide to Health, 1923.
614.6 Raw, Rawa, Connie. Pioneer Cemeteries of Palatine Township. Palatine Historical Society, 2004.
614.6 Raw, Rawa, Constance. Hillside Cemetery. Anundsen Publishing Company, 1997.
615.8 Phy, Physician’s Memorandum for 1911. M. J. Breitenbach Co., 1911.
616 Am, American Medical Directory. 3rd Edition. 1912.
616 Be, Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, 1880.
616 Ca, Hand-Book of Modern Treatment and Medical Phormularie, 1911.
616 Gu, Jahrbuch Fuer Practische Aerzte. 1881.
616 Hav, Haviland, Mary S. Modern Physiology, Hygiene and Health: Good Neighbors. Lippincott, 1922.
616 He, Handbuch der Physiologie. 1879.
616 In, The International Medical Annual. 1897.
616 Ko, Lehrbuch der Speciellen Chirurgie. 1878.
616 Me, Handbuch der Kriegschirurgie. 1872
616 Rou, Routh, C. H. F. Infant Feeding and Its Influence on Life. William Wood & Co., 1879.
617 Sen, Senn, N., M.D. Syllabus of Lectures on the Practice of Surgery. W. B. Saunders, 1898.
617 Th, The Triumph of Surgery. 1957.
620.1 Dra, Drake, J. A. The Practical Mechanic. J. W. Lukenbach, 1879.
621.9 Dro, Bro, Brown and Sharpe Small Tools, Catalog No. 32. Brown and Sharpe, 1935.
625.2 Hus, Husband, Joseph. Story of the Pullman Car. A. C. McClurg & Co., 1917.
629.22 Des, DeSparks, C. Tractor Operating Book and Directory. Clarke Publishing Co., 1919.
631 For, Forest Preserves of Cook County. History of Cook County Forest Preserves, Including Deer Grove and Palatine Area. Cholhesy & Co., 1918.
631 Pin, Pinkham, T. J. Farming As It Is! Bradley, Dayton & Co., 1860.
636 Jac, Jacobs, P. H. The Poultry Keeper, Volume 1. W. V. R. Powis, 1885.
636.1 Ken, Kendall, B. J., M.D. A Treatise on the Horse and His Diseases. Claremont Manufacturing Co., 1880.
636.7 Ham, Hammond, S. T. Practical Dog Training. Forest and Stream Publishing Co., 1885.
640 Mor, Morse, Sidney. An Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes and Processes. The Success Company, 1908.
641.5 Ame, The American Family Pure Food Cook Book. Thos. H. Devereaux & Co., 1902.
641.5 Bul, Bullock, Helen. Recipes of Ante Bellum America. Recipes of the Westward Empire. Recipes of the Young Republic. (3 books). Heirloom Publishing Co., 1967.
641.5 Car, Carney, Cleve. The Master Cake Baker. Calumet Baking Powder Company, 1927.
641.5 Chu, Church, Ruth Ellen. Mary Meade’s Modern Homemakers Cookbook. Rand McNally & Co., 1966.
641.5 Fif, Fifty Fruitful Years. Palatine Historical Society, 2005.
641.5 Hom, Home Town Cookbook, 125 Years. Palatine, 1866-1991. Quasquicentennial Edition, 1991. Village of Palatine, 1991.
641.5 Mod, Modern Cookery, A Collection of Dependable Recipes Selected from the “Favorites”. H. C. Paddock & Sons, 1928.
641.5 Sal, The Salad Book of the American Housewife. Manning Publishing Co., 1930.
641.5 Tyr, Tyree, Marian Cabell. Housekeeping in Old Virginia. John P. Morton & Co., 1879.
641.5 Zie, Ziemann, Hugo. White House Cookbook. 1903.
646 Hun, Hunter, Estelle B. Personality Development: A Practical Self-Teaching Course; Unit 2, Dress and Grooming. Better Speech Institute of America, 1941.
646 Rea, Complete Guide to Needlework. Reader’s Digest Assn, 1979.
646 War, Warren, Mrs. Treasures in Needlework. Lancer, 1973.
647.9 Dor, Dorsey, Leslie. Fare-Thee-Well: A Backward Look at Two Centuries of Historic American Hostelries, Fashionable Spas, and Seaside Resorts. Crown Publishers, Inc., 1964.
649 Des, Desmonde, Kay. Dolls and Doll Houses. The World Publishing Company, 1972.
650 Roe, Roe, E. T. New Standard Business Guide. Gordon G. Sapp, 1916.
651.7 Gas, Gaskell. Gaskell’s Compendium of Forms. W. M. Farrar, 1880.
652.3 Cut, Cutler, Ida McLennon. Rational Typing. Gregg Publishing Co., 1902.
655.5 Cur, Currier and Ives: Chronicles of America. Promontory Press, 1968.
658.8 Sea, Sears, Richard Warren. 1923 Sears Roebuck Catalog. Digest Books, Inc., 1973.
658.87 Car, Carson, Gerald. The Old Country Store. Oxford University Press, 1954.
658.872 Mon, Montgomery Ward Catalogue 1922. HC Publishers, 1969.
658.87 Sea, Sears, Roebuck Catalogue, 1902. Bounty Books, 1969.
658.872 Sea, Sears Roebuck Catalogue, 1908. DBI Books, 1971.
658.872 Sea, Sears Roebuck Catalogue, 1897. Chelsea House Publishers, 1968.
659.1 Mon, Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog, Spring and Summer, 1895. Dover Publications, 1969.
659.1 Sea, Sears Roebuck and Co. Consumer’s Guide, Fall 1900. DBI Books, Inc., 1900.
659.196 Kar, Karolevitz, Robert. Old Time Agriculture in the Advertisements. North Plains Press, 1970.
666 Dre, Drepperd, Carl W. ABC’s of Old Glass. Award Books, 1949.
666 Mun, Munsey, Cecil. Collecting Bottles, An Illustrated Guide. Hawthorne Books, 1970.
688.7 Mur, Murray, Patrick. Toys. Studio Vista, Ltd., 1968.
674 Scr, Scribner’s Lumber & Log Book. George W. Fisher Co., 1882.
700 Fos, Foster, Stephen. My Old Kentucky Home. Joseph Knight Co., 1853.
720 Cou, Country Beautiful Magazine. America’s Historic Houses, the Living Past. Country Beautiful Corp., 1967.
720 Dru, Drury, John. Historic Midwest Houses. University of Minnesota Press, 1947.
720 Dru, Drury, John. Old Chicago Houses. University of Chicago Press, 1941.
728 Sea, Sears, Roebuck & Company. Sears Modern Homes – 1913. 2006.
728.3 Ste, Stevenson, Katherine. Houses by Mail, A guide to houses from Sears, Roebuck & Company. Preservation Press, 1986.
729 Pom, Pomada, Elizabeth. America’s Painted Ladies: the Ultimate Celebration of Our Victorians. Viking Studio Books, 1994.
740 Lee, Leeming, Joseph. Fun with String. Dover Publications, 1974.
741.6 You, Yours Truly and One Hundred Other Original Drawings. Judge Co., 1908.
745 Bow, Bowker, Isabelle. Busy Hands: Construction Work for Children. A. Flanagan Co., 1904.
746.7 Her, Herbert, Janice Summers. Oriental Rugs, the Illustrated Guide. McMillan, 1978.
747.22 Eas, Eastlake, Charles L. Hints on household taste. Dover Publications, 1986.
749.2 Dre, Drepperd, Carl W. Victorian, the Cinderella of Antiques. Doubleday & Co., 1950.
778.4 Hol, Holmes, Burton. A Trip Around the World Through the Stereoscope. Keystone View Co., 1926.
780 Bra, Bradley, Van Allen. Music for the Millions: The Kimball Piano & Organ Story. Henry Regnery Co., 1957.
780 Cla, Clarke, H.A. Pronouncing Musical Dictionary. Theodore Presser, 1896.
780 Hau, Hauschild, Dr. Ernst. Mannerchore (German language). 1874.
780 Ihe, I Hear America Singing. Great Music Productions, 1975.
780 Smi, Smith, Eleanor. The Modern Music Series, First Book. Silver, Burdett & Co., 1901.
780 Smi, Smith, Eleanor. The Modern Music Series, Second Book. Silver Burdett, 1898.
780.7 Stu, Sturgis, G.R. Choral Echoes: Secular & Sacred Music. R.R. Meredith & Son, 1888.
781 Par, Parker, Horatio (ed.). Progressive Music Series, Book One. Silver Burdett & Co.
783 Gos, Gospel Hyms Consolidated. Biglow & Main, 1883.
784 Chr, Christ in Song. c1908.
784 Cul, Cullen, James H. Songster: James H. Cullen’s favorites.
784 Fle, Flemen, William Bill. Songs.
784 Smi, Smith, Eleanor. Modern Music, a second book in vocal music. 1898-1901.
784.6 Lon, Longley, C. Payson. Longley’s Beautiful Songs. Progressive Thinker Publishing House.
786 Per, Perkins, W.O. Male Voice Glee Book. Oliver Ditson & Co., 1876.
790 Fre, Freeman, Dr. Larry. Yesterday’s Games. Century House, 1970.
790 Gre, Greenaway, Kate. Book of Games. Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., c1900.
792.9 Led, Levin, Martin. Hollywood and the Great Fan Magazines. Castle Books, 1970.
796.1 Pou, Poulsson, Emilie. Finger Plays for Nursery and Kindergarten. c1971.
796.1 Wil, Wilson, Rebecca Jackson. Games of the Midwest Years Ago. 1992.
800 Bal, Baldwin, James. School Reading by Grades: Seventh Year. American Book Co., 1897.
800 Cyr, Cyr, Ellen M. Children’s Third Reader. Ginn & Co., 1902.
800 Edw, Edwards, Richard. The Fourth Reader. George Sherwood & Co., 1881.
800 Edw, Edwards, Richard. Analytical Third Reader. George Sherwood & Co., 1867.
800 Edw, Edwards, Richard. Analytical First Reader. George Sherwood & Co., 1866.
800 Edw, Edwards, Richard. Analytical Fourth Reader. Taintor & Co., 1867.
800 Edw, Edwards, Richard. Analytical Sixth Reader. George Sherwood & Co., 1866.
800 Els, Elson, William. Elson Grammar School Reader: Book 3. Scott Foresman, 1910.
800 Gui, Guingrich, R. Lena. Daily Lesson Plans in Language for Second and Third Years of Elementary School. A. Flanagan & Co., 1943.
800 Har, Harris, William T. Fifth Reader. D. Appleton & Co., 1880.
800 Nat, National Fifth Reader. A.S. Barnes & Co., 1866.
800 Pai, Painter, F.V.N. Introduction to English Literature. Sibley & Co., 1894.
800 Pow, Powell, W.B. How To Write: Secondary Lessons. Cowperthwait & Co., 1882.
800 San, Sanders, Charles W. New School Reader: Fourth Book. S.C. Griggs, 1862.
800 Ser, Serl, Emma. Primary Language Lessons. American Book Co., 1911.
800 Tod, Todd, Emma J. Normal Course in Reading, Alternate Second Reader. Silver Burdett, 1895.
800 War, Ward, Edward G. Rational Method in Reading. Silver Burdett, 1894.
800.8 Che, Chesterfield, Lord. Chesterfield’s Letters, Sentences, and Maxims. Dodge Publishing Co.
808 Gib, Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Modern Language Association, 1999.
808 Lon, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Courtship of Miles Standish and Other Poems. Henry Altmus Co.
808 Mcg, McGuffey. McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers – Primer through Sixth. American Book Co., 1879.
808 Mcg, McGuffey, William H. McGuffey’s New Third Eclectic Reader for Young Learners. Winthrop Smith & Co., 1857.
808 Mcg, McGuffey, William H. McGuffey’s Newly Revised Eclectic Second Reader. Winthrop Smith & Co.
808.1 Chr, Christy, Howard Chandler. The Christy Girl. Grosset & Dunlap, 1906.
808.1 Lon, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Houghton Mifflin, 1889.
808.1 Mer, Meredith, Owen. Lucile. Belford, Clark & Co., c1880.
808.1 Mot, Mother Goose’s Tales: A Collection of Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles. M.A. Donahue & Co., pre-1916.
808.1 Ten, Tennyson, Alfred. A Dream of Fair Women. James R. Osgood, 1880.
808.3 Pen, Penney, Mrs. L. Fireside Stories. WCTU, 1886.
808.5 Jon, Jones, L.H. The Jones Readers by Grades: Book 5. Ginn & Co., 1903.
808.3 Riv, Riverside Series: Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream; Holmes’ Grandmother’s Story, Longfellow’s Courtship. Riverside Press, 1891.
808.3 Sch, Schwartz, Julia Augusta. Five Little Strangers and How They Came to Live in America. American Book Co., 1904.
808.6 Wes, Westlake, J. Willis. How to Write Letters. Sower, Potts & Co., 1876.
808.8 Clo, Clovernook: Stories in Rhyme. R. Worthington, 1885.
808.8 Cra, Craig, Edward Gordon. The Page. Sign of the Rose, 1899.
808.8 Fra, Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard’s Almanac. Century Co., 1733.
808.8 Irv, Irving, Washington. Astoria or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains. Donahue, Henneberry & Co.
808.81 Hel, Helmer, Myra Bradwell. A Child’s Thoughts in Rhyme. Chicago Legal News Co., 1903.
808.81 Mac, Mack, Robert Ellice. I’ll Tell You a Story. E.P. Dutton & Co.
808.81 Mot, Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes. Lothrop, Lee, & Shepard, 1899.
820 Sha, Shakespeare, William. King Lear. American Book Co., 1903.
822.3 Sha, Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice. Charles E. Merrill Co., 1910.
910 War, Warren, D.M. Common-School Geography: An Elementary Treatise on Mathematical, Physical, and Political Geography. Cowperthwait & Co., 1869.
912 Atl, Reader’s Digest Association. Reader’s Digest Great World Atlas. Reader’s Digest, 1963.
920 Abb, Abbott, John. Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, from Washington to Cleveland. R. Hallett.
920 Alt, Alter, Robert. Heroes in Blue and Gray. Whitman Publishing, 1965.
920 Ame. America: An Illustrated Diary of its most exciting years: 1914-1960. Robert Schramke, 1972.
920 Ban, Bancroft, William Dixon. McKinley, Garfield, & Lincoln: Their Lives, Their Deeds, and Their Deaths. United States Newspaper Syndicate, 1901.
920 Ban, Murray, Joan England. The Bantas of Pleasant Hill, Kentucky; Their Ancestors and Descendants. 1985.
920 For, Forbes, B.C. Men Who Are Making America. B.C. Forbes’ Publishing Co., 1917.
920 Jos, Joslyn, R. Waite. History of Kane County, Illinois, Vol. 2. Pioneer Publishing Co., 1908.
920 Mur, Murray, Joan England. Palatine, Illinois in 1929; a Biographical Directory of Residents. Palatine Historical Society, 1995.
920 Par, Parton, James. Eminent Women of the Age. S.M. Betts & Co., 1868.
920 Por. Portraits and Biographical Record of Cook & DuPage Counties, Illinois. Lake City Publishing Co., 1894.
920 Sol. Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Illinois. Illinois State Genealogical Society, 1976.
920 Som, Somervile, Molie. Women and the American Revolution. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1974.
920 Sto, Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Men of Our Times or Leading Patriots of the Day. Hartford Publishing, 1868.
920 Wan, Wanamaker, Pearl. Short Stories of Famous Women. Noble & Noble, 1949.
920 Who. Who’s Who in Chicago; in 3 Volumes. A.N. Marquis & Co., 1926.
920 Wil, Williams, S.W. Queenly Women, Crowned and Uncrowned. Cranston and Stowe, 1885.
929 Bre, Bremer, Ronald. Sources and Repositories. Gencor Inc., 1975.
929 Szu, Szucs, Loretto. Chicago and Cook County Sources: A genealogical and historical guide. Ancestry Publishing, 1986.
929.1 Bay, Bayley, Beatrice. The Family Heritage Book.
929.1 Fam, Illinois State Genealogy Society. Family Bible Records: Volume I. Illinois State Genealogical Society, 1990.
929.1 Kel, Kellogg, Lucy Mary. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. I. General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1975.
929.1 Whi, Whitcomb, Charlotte. Whitcomb Family: Part 1 and Part 2. Whitcomb, Charlotte, 1904.
929.4 Gra, Graves, Timothy William. The History of the Busse Family: 150 Years in America, 1848-1998. Jostens, 1998.
929.41 Ind, Index and Federal Census, Palatine Township, 1840-1870.
929.41 Ind, Index: Linnemann, Matthei, and Sutherland families.
929.41 Mat, Hackbarth, Alice Matthei. Matthei Family: 1500 to 1989. Glendale Office Supply, 1989.
929.4 Mur, Murray, Joan England. Bunnell and Allied Families. Murray, Joan, 1990.
929.4 Par, Parkhurst, Florence. The Florence Smith Parkhurst Palatine Family History Papers, Vol. 1, Surname Initial Letters A and B.
929.4 Pfi, Pfingsten, Heinrich & Sophie. Dear Cousins. Pfingsten Family, 1951.
929.4 Por, Lawrence, John. The Descendants of Moses and Sarah Kilham Porter of Pawlet, Vermont. F.A. Onderdonk, 1910.
929.4 Put, Putnam, Even. Putnam Lineage. Salem Press Co., 1907.
929.41 Sut, Sutherland, Clyde. Sutherland Family Genealogy. 1981.
929.4 Wee, Weekley, Ernest. The Romance of Names. John Murray, 1928.
929.4 Woo, Holmes, Clay W. A Genealogy of thye Lineal Descendants of William Wood, who settled in Concord, Mass. in 1638. Advertiser Print, 1901.
930 Mor, Morey, William C. Outlines of Roman History for the Use of High Schools and Academics. American Book Co., 1900.
940.3 Chi, Chicago Daily News. Chicago Daily News War Book for American Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines. Chicago Daily News Co., 1918.
940.3 Dun, Duncan-Clark, S.J. History’s Greatest War: A Pictorial Narrative. E.T. Townshend, 1919.
940.3 Pre, Wilson, Woodrow. President’s War Message 1917. Edward J. Clode, 1917.
970.1 Par, Parish, Peggy. Let’s Be Early Settlers with Daniel Boone. Harper & Rowe, 1967.
970.1 Qui, Quimby, George Irving. Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes. University of Chicago Press, 1960.
973 Bar, Barnes, A.S. A Brief History of the United States. A.S. Barnes & Co., 1880.
973 Ben, Bent, George P. A Pioneer’s Historical Sketches: Four Score and More Years of American History in the Making. Geographical Publishing Co., 1928.
973 Mon, Montgomery, D.H. The Leading Facts of American History. Chautauqua Press, 1891.
973 Rid, Ridpath, John Clark. Ridpath’s History of the United States. Historical Publishing Co., 1897.
973 Roo, Roosevelt, Theodore. The Winning of the West. Current Literature Publishing Co., 1905.
973 Ros, Rosenberg, Alice. Images of America: Palatine, IL. Arcadia Publishing, 1999.
973 Ros, Rosenberg, Alice. Then & Now: Palatine, IL. Arcadia Publishing, 2002.
973 Wil, Willson, Marcius. History of the United States from the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time. S.C. Griggs & Co., 1853.
973.7 Bri, Brinton, John H. Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton, Civil War Surgeon, 1861-1865. Southern Illinois University Press, 1996.
973.7 Chi, A House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln. Chicago Historical Society, 1992.
973.7 Civ, “Bill’s Uncle”. Personal Memoir.
973.7 Civ, Athearn, Robert. The Civil War. American Heritage, 1963.
973.7 Dor, Dornbusch, C.E. Regimental Publications and Personal Narratives of the Civil War. New York Public Library, 1961.
973.7 Hic, Hicken, Victor. Illinois in the Civil War. University of Illinois Press, 1991.
973.7 Hoe, Hoehling, A.A. Vicksburg, 47 Days of Siege, May 18 – July 4, 1863. Prentice-Hall, 1969.
973.7 Kur, Kurz, Louis & Allison, Alexander. Battles of the Civil War 1861-1865. Oxmoor House, Inc., 1976.
973.7 Lor, Lord, Francis A. Civil War Collector’s Encyclopedia: Arms, Uniforms, and Equipment of the Union and Confederacy. Castle Books, 1963.
973.7 Log, Logan, Mrs. John A. Reminiscences of a Soldiers Wife; an Autobiography. Southern Illinois University Press, 1997.
973.7 Mcc, McCarty, Terry M. The Chatfield Story; Civil War Letters and Diaries of Private Edward L. Chatfield of the 113th Illinois Volunteers. On-Demand Publishing, 2009.
973.7 Moo, Moore, Frank. Civil War in Song and Story. Peter Fenelon Collier, 1865.
973.7 Mor, Morris, W.S. History of the 31st Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. Southern Illinois University Press, 1998.
973.7 Mor, Morrison, Marion. History of the Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry with Regimental Roster. Southern Illinois University Press, 1997.
973.7 Pra, Pratt, Fletcher. Civil War in Pictures. Garden City Books, 1955.
973.7 Smi, Smith, Reverand William Hutchinson. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 2004.
973.7 Wal, Walton, Clyde C. Mr. Lincoln Opens His Mail. Illinois State Historical Society, 1967.
973.7 War, Ward, Geoffrey C. The Civil War, an Illustrated History. Alfred Knopf, 1990.
973.7 Wil, Wills, Charles W. Army Life of and Illinois Soldier. Southern Illinois University Press, 1996.
973.8 Scr, Scribner’s Magazine. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1894.
973.9 Dam, The Dammerson Family Scrapbook.
973.9 Dir, Directory of Farmers in Palatine Township. Palatine Township, Ill., 1992.
973.9 Ham, Hammer, David. A Slice of Life from the Good Old Days, (1901). Palatine Historical Society, 1992.
973.9 Moo, Moody, Thomas A. The Old Indian Treaty Boundary Line through the Township of Palatine in Cook County, Il. Palatine Historical Society, 2000.
973.9 Pad, Paddock, Stuart R., et al. Palatine: 125 Years: 1866-1991. D.G. Graphics, May 1991.
973.9 Pad, Kozlicki, Harriet. Name Index to the Quasquicentennial Book: Palatine, 1866-1991. Palatine Historical Society, 1991.
973.9 Pad, Paddock, Stuart. Palatine Centennial Book: History of Palatine, Cook Co., Ill.: 1855-1955. Palatine Chamber of Commerce, July 1955.
973.9 Pad, Regan, Mary Louise. Name Index to Palatine Centennial Book, 1855-1955. Palatine Chamber of Commerce, 1987.
973.9 Pal, Schoppe Family, collectors. Palatine Centennial Celebration: 1955. 1955.
973.9 Tow, Township of Palatine: Understanding Local Government. Suburban Press, 2003.
974.3 Sti, Stilwell, Lewis. Migration from Vermont. Academy Books, 1948.
977.3 Ada, Adams, James N. Illinois Place Names. Illinois State Historical Society, 1989.
977.3 Ang, Angle, Paul M., ed. Prairie State: Impressions of Illinois, 1673-1967. University of Chicago, 1968.
977.3 Arl, Souter, Jerry, ed. Chronicle of a Prairie Town: Arlington Heights, IL.; It’s People and Progress. Arlington Heights Historical Society, 1997.
977.3 Ber, Berens, Helmut Alan. Elmhurst: Prairie to Tree Town. Elmhurst Historical Commission, 1968.
977.3 Bie, Biennial Report of the Cook County Superintendent of Schools. J.M.W. Jones Stationary & Printing Co., 1898.
977.3 Bro, Brown, Clayton. A Little Bit of History: the Village of Kildeer. Kildeer, Il. Historical Society, 1996.
977.3 Buc, Buck, Solon Justus. Illinois in 1818. A.C. McClurg & Co., 1918.
977.3 Bud, Budd, Lillian. Footsteps on the Tallgrass Prairie: A History of Lombard, IL. Lombard Historical Society, 1977.
977.3 Car, Carpenter, Allen. Illinois: Land of Lincoln. Children’s Press, 1968.
977.3 Cla, Hasbrouck, Wilbert. Clayson House. Palatine Historical Society, 1977.
977.3 Cou, Counties of Illinois: Their Origin and Evolution. State of Illinois, 1970.
977.3 Dan, Daniels, Daisy Paddock. Prairieville, U.S.A. Historical Society of Arlington Heights, Ill., 1971.
977.3 Dun, Dunne, Edward F. Illinois: The Heart of the Nation in 5 Volumes. Lewis Publishing Co., 1933.
977.3 DuP, DuPre, Irma. The Romance of Dundee Township: 1835 – 1935. Dundee Township, 1935.
977.3 Gla, Glazers, Nancy LaMair, ed. Glenview, the First Centennial. c1999.
977.3 Gle, Glencoe Historical Society. Glencoe Lights One Hundred Candles. Glencoe Historical Society, 1969.
977.3 Haw, Hawse, Mara Lou. Tell Me a Story: Memories of Early Life around the Coalfields of Illinois. Southern Illinois University, 1992.
977.3 Hen, Henkes, Mark. Des Plaines: A History. Des Plaines Historical Society, 1975.
977.3 Hob, Hobbs, Richard Gaer. Glamorous Galena and Jo Daviess County: Little Switzerland of Illinois. Gazette Printing, 1939.
977.3 Ill, Bateman, Newton. Illinois: Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Biographical Memoirs, Vol. I. Munsell Publishing Co., 1917.
977.3 Ill, Illinois. State of Illinois, 1970.
977.3 Ill, Illinois State Organization, NSDAR. The Spirit on the Prairie, Historic Churches in Illinois. NSDAR, 2002.
977.3 Kai, Kaiser, Blythe P. Glen Ellyn’s Story and Her Neighbors in DuPage. Glen Ellyn Historical Society, 1976.
977.3 Ken, Kenney, Diana. Crystal Lake. Arcadia Publishing Co., 2009.
977.3 Ken, Kilmer, Colleen. Joseph Sears and his Kenilworth. Kenilworth Historical Society, 1990.
977.3 Kni, Knickerbocker & Hodder, Publishers. Rights of the People under the Laws of Illinois Together with Facts and Figures useful in the Political Campaign of 1880. Knickerbocker & Hodder, 1880.
977.3 Lew, Lewis, E.R. The Roll of Honor. Board of Commissioners of Cook Country, 1922.
977.3 Lib, Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society. Historical Libertyville-Mundelein. Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society, 1970.
977.3 McC, McCarthy, Mary J. Elk Grove, the Peony Village: A Planned Community that Works. Elk Grove Village Public Library, 1981.
977.3 McH, McHenry County in the Twentieth Century: 1968-1994. McHenry County Historical Society, 1994.
977.3 Mog, Mogg, Ruth. First Land Purchases in Lake County, Illinois. Midwest Crafts, 1981.
977.3 Moo, Moore, Jean. History of Wheaton, Illinois, from Tower to Tower. Gary Wheaton Bank, 1974.
977.3 Mor, Morton Grove Historical Society. Morton Grove, Illinois: 100 Years of Service, 1895-1995. Johnson Painters, 1995.
977.3 Mur, Murphy, Jean Powley. Mount Prospect: Where Town and Country Meet. Mount Prospect Historical Society, 1992.
977.3 Mur, Murray, Joan E. Palatine in 1929. Palatine Historical Society, 1995.
977.3 Nor, Northbrook Historical Society. Northbrook Illinois: The Fabric of Our History. Northbrook Historical Society, 2000.
977.3 Pal, Palatine Historical Society. Palatine, Illinois. Palatine Historical Society; Arcadia Publishing, 2002.
977.3 Pap, Papers in Illinois History and Transactions of the Year 1937. Illinois Historical Society, 1938.
977.3 Par, Park, Virginia L. Long Grove, Lore and Legend. Long Grove Historical Society, 1978.
977.3 Pea, Pease, Theodore Calvin. The Story of Illinois. University of Chicago Press, 1949.
977.3 Pen, Penrose, Maryly. Compendium of Early Mohawk Valley Families; Vol. I and II. Genealogical Publishing Co., 1990.
977.3 Roc, Rock River Valley: Its History, Traditions, Legends, and Charms; Vol. I, II, and III. S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1926.
977.3 Roo, Roop, Anne. A History of Fox River Grove, Illinois. Community Methodist Church of Fox River Grove, 1951.
977.3 Smi, Smith, George W. History of Illinois and Her People in Six Volumes. American Historical Society, 1926.
977.3 Tro, Trowbridge, Oliver R. Illinois and the Nation, How They are Governed. A. Flanagan & Co., 1887.
977.3 Qua, Qauife, Milo M. Chicago’s Highways Old and New, from Indian Trail to Motor Road. University Microfilm, 1923.
977.3 Rol, Perica, Esther. They Took the Challenge: the Story of Rolling Meadows. Rolling Meadows Library, 1979.
977.3 Ros, Ross, Harvey Lee. Early Pioneers and Pioneer Events of the State of Illinois. Stevens Publishing Co., 1899.
977.3 Vog, Vogel, Virgil J. Indian Place Names in Illinois. Illinois State Historical Library, 1963.
977.3 Whe, Wheeling Historical Society. Wheeling Through the Years; An Oral History of Wheeling, and Illinois Village. Wheeling Historical Society, 1987.
977.31 Chi, Chicago Historical Society. Chicago History (magazine, Dec. 1992). Chicago Historical Society, 1992.
977.31 Dan, Danckers, Ulrich & Meredith, Jane. Early Chicago. Inland Press, 1999.
977.31 Kea, Keating, Ann Durkin. Chicagoland: City and Suburbs in the Railroad Age. University of Chicago, 2005.
977.33 And, Andreas, A.T. History of Cook County. R.R. Donnelly, 1884.
977.33 Chi, Chicago. Arcadia Publishing, 2000.
977.33 Chi, The Book of Chicago, 1911. Chicago Evening Post, 1912.
977.33 Cur, Currey, J. Seymour. Chicago: Its History and Its Builders, a Century of Marvelous Growth, Vol. 1. S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1918.
977.33 His, Historic City: the Settlement of Chicago. City of Chicago, 1976.
977.33 Mos, Moses, John & Kirkland, Joseph. The History of Chicago, Ill. Vol. 2. Munsell & Co., 1895.
977.33 Nor, Norris, J.W. General Directory and Business Advertiser of the City of Chicago for the Year 1844. Ellis & Fergus, 1844.
977.33 Tyr, Tyre, William H. Chicago’s Historic Prairie Avenue. Arcadia Publishing, 2008.
B Blo, Heiden, Raymond. Blohm, Benjamin; Private, US Army, World War I. 1993.
B Bra, Friedman, Jane M.. America’s First Woman Lawyer: the Biography of Myra Bradwell. Prometheus Books, 1993.
B Bro, Possley, Maurice. The Brown’s Chicken Massacre. Berkley Books, 2003.
B Fre, Upham, Charles Wentworth. Life, Exploration, and Public Services of John Charles Fremont. Ticknor & Field, 1856.
B Gra, Grant, Ulysses S.. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant in 2 Volumes. J.J. Little & Co., 1885.
B Joh, Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson Lld. The First Volume of 2 Volume Set. Charles Scriberner’s Son, 1741.
B Lin, Brown, Francis; e.d.. Everyday Life of Abraham Lincoln. N.D. Thompson, 1886.
B Lin, McClure, J.B.; ed.. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln’s Stories. Rhodes and McClure, 1879.
B Lin, Baldwin, James. The Story of Abraham Lincoln for Young Readers. Werner School Book Co., 1896.
B Lin, Neely, Mark E. Jr.. Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia. McGraw Hill, 1982.
B McK, Everett, Marshall. Complete Life of William McKinley and the Story of his Assassination. Marshall Everett, 1901.
B Mey, Meyer, Scott E.. Jumping in with Both Feet: Essays on the Life and Times of Joel D. Meyer. SEMantics Books, 2011.
B Tri, Trimble, Gaye. Mighty Crooked Waters. Stewart Publishing & Printing, 1987.
B Wes, Westerberg, Torgny. A Life Lived in Love. c2000.
Hammer, David. Daily Herald Index. 1st Edition. 1 Vol. 1901-1945. Palatine Historical Society, 2002.
Hammer, David. Daily Herald Index. 2nd Edition. 2 Vol. 1901-1960. Palatine Historical Society, 2004.
Surname Index of Palatine Records
Land Sales in Nine Townships
American Heritage Indexes
Funding Sources and Technical Assistance, Hartman AASLH
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, 1892.
The Civil War – Soldiers and Civilians -National Archives
Palatine Historical Society Events. Photographic Album 1992-1996
Palatine Historical Society Parades, Parties, Christmas Displays. Photographic Album 1976-1991
Palatine Historical Society Newspaper Clipping Album 1975-1989
Palatine Historical Society Newspaper Clipping Album 1989-1992
Palatine Historical Society Newspaper Clipping Album 1993-1995
Palatine Township Sidwell Map 1976-1978
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Palatine Chapter Scrapbook 1975-2000
Schoppe Scrapbook of Greeting Cards including Guest Books 1892-1964
Village of Palatine Bicentennial Memories 1975-1976 Scrapbook