PHS Archival Material
The Archive Room at the Clayson House Museum has many scrapbooks and other material, including:
Zimmer Hardware Account Books
Palatine Public Library Accession Books
Schoppe Bros. Account Book
1955 Centennial Book Papers
Palatine High School Graduates 1955 Reunion
Long Grove Illinois Church Records Book 1 1846-1878
Long Grove Illinois Church Records Book 2 1879-1918
Herschlag Family Tree
Sutherland Family Genealogoy
Rohlwing Family Genealogy
North Eastern Illinois Historical Council (NEIL) Listing of Valuable Resources
Duensing Porup Genealogy
Bradwell Family by William E Peterson
Matthei Family Index
Index to Death Records at Palatine Historical Society. Indexed by Joan E Murray, 1988
Surname Records of Palatine Township
Early News Accounts of Palatine Township 1851-1858. Chicago Tribune, compiled by David Hammer, 1995
Dear Cousin 2000 Volume 1 and 2 by Gary P Biesterfeld
“Kolle” Ancestry and Descendents 1975
Militiamen, August 1st, 1790 and Squatters in Territorial Illinois 1807 and 1813, edited by Raymond Hammes.
Parkhurst Genealogy A-Z
Book of Newspaper Obituaries
Notes on Palatine Streets
Mengels Scrapbook 1940s, Indexed by Bernadette Sobey
Scrapbook of Mrs. Charles Seip (Minnie Fink)
Hattie Babcock Umdenstock Marriage Ledger, Spetember 21, 1875 to May 31, 1952
Hattie Babcock Umdenstock Birth and Death Ledger
Palatine Family Genealogies by M.F. Regan
Palatine Township Censuses 1850, 1860, 1870
Cook County Herald, Palatine Enterprise Chronology 1901-1911 Births, Deaths, Marriages
Early Maps of Palatine
Linnemann-Langhorst Genealogy
Civil War Remiscenses by William H Smith
North Eastern Illinois Historical Council (NEIL) Tourbook
1992-1993 Birth and Deaths from the Daily Herald
1991 Obits. from Arlington Heights Herald
The Old Indian Treaty Boundary Line Through The Township of Palatine in Cook County, Illinois By Thomas A. Moody
Name Index to Quasquicentennial Book of Palatine, Illinois by Harriet Kozlicki
Clayson House – The Office of Wilbert R. Hasbrouk, Architect – Historic Resources
George Clayson
Directory of Farmers in Palatine Township
Pioneer Cemeteries of Palatine Township
Census Records Palatine Township 1840-1910
Palatine Phone Directories 1910-1912
Palatine, Arlington Heights, Mt. Prospect, Wheeling Telephone Directory. 1927, 1929, 1932 (missing)
Palatine Businessmen’s Association 1932 Directory
Palatine, Arlington Heights, Mt. Prospect, Wheeling Telephone Directory. 1933, 1934, 1937, 1939.
Village of Palatine Directory 1940
Palatine, Arlington Heights, Mt. Prospect, Wheeling Telephone Directory. 1941-1942.
Directory of Palanois Park, Subdivision of Palatine Illinois,including map of Palatine. 1948-1949.
Arlington Heights, Palatine, Mt. Prospect, Prospect Heights, Wheeling Telephone Directory. 1942, 1946, 1948-1951, 1953.
Winston Park Northwest Neighborhood Directory 1993
Palatine Chamber of Commerce Village Guide 1962
Arlington Heights and Nearby Communities Telephone Directory 1952, 1954, 1956
The Paddock Directory for Palatine, Rolling Meadows, and Inverness 1966, 1968, 1969, 1971 (includes phone numbers)
Palatine Chamber of Commerce Business Directory and Village Guide 1961
Palatine, The Town of Homes, Civic and Business Directory 1955
Local telephone books c.1958, 1973, 1986, 1999-2007
Palatine Sexton Records Burial Permits (Hillside Cemetery)
The Sanborn Scrapbook compiled by A.G. Smith, editor of Enterprise, 1896-1913
Mangels Scrapbook 1930s & 1940s
Palatine Township Justice of the Peace Records 1867-1872. Copied from original owned by Robert C. Paddock.
Indexes. Parkhurst Family History Surnames. Dammerman Scrapbook. Northern Illinois Public Domain Land Sales by Township. Index to Death Records at Palatine Historical Society. Palatine Centennial Book Name Index. Palatine Centennial Book Subject Index. Hattie Umdenstock Death Ledger. Umdenstock Marriage Ledger. Palatine High School Graduates 1877-1954. Northview News (Cinderella Park Newsletter 1974-1976). Mangels Scrapbook. Palatine Sexton Records (Burial Permits). Mrs. Charles H. Seip Scrapbook (Minnie Fink).
Village of Palatine Minutes 1866-1972
Palatine High Mirrors 1912-1914
Palatine High School “Spotlight” Yearbooks 1920-2012
Fremd High School “Valhallan” Yearbooks 1967-2012
Palatine Township Assessors records 1932-1950
Conant High School Yearbooks 1966-1969
William Rainey Harper College Halcyon 1969
F.G. Robinson Account Books
Comfort Lumber Account Books including Chicago & NW RR Map of Downtown
Palatine Businesses on Northwest Highway, 2008. Photo Album.
Immanuel Lutheran Church Record Index 1911-1989
Immanuel Lutheran Church 1890-1910
Immanuel Lutheran Church 1869-1889
Immanuel Lutheran Church Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths. 1911-1989
Immanuel Lutheran Church Infants and Adults Baptisms 1911-1989
St. John Church. Many volumes.
Saint Paul UCC
Commercial Development, Northwest Highway, Palatine Illinois, 1991
Methodist Church. Many volumes.
Palatine Nurses’ Club Scrapbook 1952-1976
The Archive Room also has files of archival material (A/M) in files containing many fascinating letters, obituaries, documents, newspaper articles, brochures and programs:
A/M 101. Presbyterian Church.
A/M 102. Newsclippings on local cemeteries.
A/M 103. Seventh Day Adventists.
A/M 104. Countryside Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
A/M 105. Bethel Lutheran Church.
A/M 106. Chapel-In-The-Woods, Shalom Memorial Park.
A/M 107. Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church.
A/M 108. Christ Lutheran Church.
A/M 108. St. Peter Lutheran Church.
A/M 109. First Assembly of God.
A/M 110. 1st Church of Christ Scientist.
A/M 111. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.
A/M 112. First Baptist Church.
A/M 113. St. Phillips Episcopal Church.
A/M 114. St. Theresa Catholic Church.
A/M 115. First United Methodist Church.
A/M 116. All Saints Lutheran Church.
A/M 117. St. John’s Evangelical Church.
A/M 118. First United Methodist Church.
A/M 119. Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church
A/M 120. Santa Teresita Parish.
A/M 121. St. Thomas of Villanova Church.
A/M 122. First United Methodist Church.
A/M 123. First United Methodist Church.
A/M 124. Religious Council of Palatine.
A/M 125. Saint Nectarios Church
A/M 126. Jehovah’s Witnesses.
A/M 127. Palatine Bible Church.
A/M 128. Immanuel Lutheran Church.
A/M 129. Immanuel Lutheran Church.
A/M 130. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.
A/M 131. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.
A/M 132. Holy Family Catholic Church, Inverness.
A/M 133. United Methodist Church
A/M 134. Palatine Methodist Church programs.
A/M 135. Palatine First United Methodist Church.
A/M 136. Palatine Methodist Church.
A/M 137. Palatine elementary school commencement programs.
A/M 138. Cook County School Superintendent.
A/M 139. Report Cards 1876-1878.
A/M 140. Luis C. Wente Scrapbook of school items, mid 1930s.
A/M 141. History of Schaumburg School System; a graduate paper. History of the social structure of Schaumburg.
A/M 142. Articles about schools.
A/M 143. Palatine High School commencement programs.
A/M 144. Palatine High School alumni.
A/M 145. Palatine High School musicals and plays.
A/M 146. Epworth League.
A/M 147. 1897 Village of Palatine special assessment for laying of water mains.
A/M 148. Mannerchor.
A/M 149. Palatine schools news clippings.
A/M 150. Palatine High School.
A/M 151. Fremd High School.
A/M 152. School District 211 Continuing Education.
A/M 153. History of Palatine High School.
A/M 154. Harper College.
A/M 155. Masonic Lodge.
A/M 156. Women’s Relief Core.
A/M 157. Palatine Junior Women’s Club.
A/M 158. Palatine Nurses Club.
A/M 159. Palatine Jaycees.
A/M 160. Garden clubs.
A/M 161. American Legion Auxiliary.
A/M 162. Palatine Lions Club.
A/M 163. Order of the Eastern Star.
A/M 164. International Order of Odd Fellows.
A/M 165. Palatine American Legion.
A/M 166. Modern Woodmen of America.
A/M 167. Questers.
A/M 168. Zonta Club.
A/M 169. Kiwanis Club.
A/M 170. Rebekah Lodge, International Order of Odd Fellows.
A/M 171. League of Women Voters.
A/M 172. Palatine Chamber of Commerce.
A/M 173. Palatine Woman’s Club.
A/M 174. Palatine Mannerchor.
A/M 175. Northwest Mental Health Center. Bridge Youth Services. Little League. Senior Citizens Council.
A/M 176. Palatine Park District.
A/M 177. Village of Palatine newsletters.
A/M 178. News clippings, 1954-1956, Palatine businessmen.
A/M 179. Newspaper: The Palatine Pioneer, 1954.
A/M 180. Newspaper clipping, 1954. Construction of Palatine’s first modern apartment building at SW corner of Plum Grove Rd. and Wood St.
A/M 181. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Folleth 60th wedding anniversary.
A/M 182. Cook County teaching certificates 1900-1907.
A/M 183. 1937 newspaper clipping announcing destruction by fire of the “old mill” at Wilson St. and Smith St.
A/M 184. Palatine High School sports.
A/M 185. Hillside Cemetery grave digging receipt, 1916.
A/M 186. Henry Godknecht’s report on cigar manufacturing activity, 1878.
A/M 187. Letter from James Peterson claims that his great-granfather, the father of Kate Bradwell, named Palatine.
A/M 188. School items.
A/M 189. Palatine Methodist Church recovers from storm damage, 1974.
A/M 190. Cutting Hall.
A/M 191. Chicago Philatelic society 77th anniversary exhibition includes photograph of Elmer Stuart, former president of Palatine Historical Society.
A/M 192. 1908 certificate referencing John E. Kitson.
A/M 193. Memorial Day.
A/M 194. World War I.
A/M 195. School recital programs.
A/M 196. World War II.
A/M 197. Amateur theatrical programs.
A/M 198. World War II.
A/M 199. Palatine Mannerchor.
A/M 200. World’s Columbian Exposition.
A/M 201. General Federation of Women’s Clubs.
A/M 202. Palatine Woman’s Club.
A/M 203. Daily Herald “Way Back When” column, 1954-1955.
A/M 204. “Abstract of Daniel Bergman Property at 2150 W Algonquin Rd., Palatine Township”
A/M 205. Bradwell family history.
A/M 206. Palatine bridge, New York.
A/M 207. Charles Klopp library: 1- Cook County Highway Dept. “Township Maps of Cook County” 1956, 1961. 2- Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, Social Geography of Metropolitan Chicago, Suburban Factbook 1950-1960. 3- Cook County Board proposed subdivision manual, 1960. 4- “Plan For Palatine”, 1964. 5- Zoning ordance of Village of Palatine, 1958-1971, 1976, 1988, 1991, 1992. 6- Charted summary of zoning ordances.
A/M 208. 1- Title abstract tracing property ownership of block between Plum Grove Rd., Wood St., Hale St., and Lincoln St. 2- Warranty Deed, 1884. 3- Warranty Deed, 1903.
A/M 209. Indenture to Amalia (sic) S. Ost describing property of Ost home.
A/M 210. Title abstract on S. Brockway St. property tracing ownership. Maps of Pratt subdivision.
A/M 211. Title abstract on property at 104 N. Plum Grove Rd. tracing property ownership. Traces from Joel Wood subdivision map of 1855.
A/M 212. Deeds for 104 N. Plum Grove Rd.
A/M 213. Title abstract on property at 225 N. Plum Grove Rd. Lyman Staples’ will. Subdivision maps of early village lands.
A/M 214. Florence Parkhurst Papers.
A/M 215. Palatine Historical Heritage booklet by Mary Lou Rutsky. Winston Park. Stonington. Hamilton Creek. Bridgeview Creek. Concord Mills. Maple Grove Townhouses. Sutherland farm. Heatherstone. Kimball Hill.
A/M 216. Rich family association cemetery inscriptions from Florence Parkhurst.
A/M 217. Political items.
A/M 218. Inverness ordinances, 1973.
A/M 219. Tax records for Fred Folleth.
A/M 220. Hajduk collection. Railroad material.
A/M 221. “Way Back When” collumn, 1954.
A/M 222. Civil War Vets. World War I honor roll.
A/M 223. Selma Torgler concert program, 1911.
A/M 224. Death certificates, Elizabeth Pahlman, August Schmidt, Minnie Putman.
A/M 225. F.G. Robinson receipts.
A/M 226. Florence Parkhurst papers.
A/M 227. Charles Klopp papers.
A/M 228. [The material in this file has been redistributed among other files]
A/M 229. Palatine Fire Dept.
A/M 230. Palatine Township Census 1840-1870.
A/M 231. World War I draft lists.
A/M 232. Palatine Public Library.
A/M 233. Ira W. Frye real estate tax receipts 1893-1927.
A/M 234. Schoppe family news articles.
A/M 235. Kane County plat book 1909 or 1919.
A/M 236. Kane County Bibliography.
A/M 237. Palatine Herald March 21, 1873. Harper’s Weekly, July 1865.
A/M 238. William Schering certificate.
A/M 239. “Way Back When” columns.
A/M 240. Palatine “Capital Improvement Program” 1970-1975.
A/M 241. Business items.
A/M 242. Palatine Pioneer.
A/M 243. Rev. William Hutchinson Smith, Civil War reminiscences in 75th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 1907. [We are looking for this file]
A/M 245. Sanitary Market 50th Anniversary, 1979.
A/M 246. Cemeteries.
A/M 247. Real estate assessment list, 1984. Palatine Village newsletter, 1981.
A/M 248. Real estate assessment list, 1941.
A/M 249. Marion Jordan. Harry “Scotty” Scott, flagman at Smith St. railroad crossing.
A/M 250. Palatine Land Sales by Frank Regan.
A/M 251. “Brief History of Laseke Electric Co.”, 1982.
A/M 252. Palatine school consolidation. 1946. Deer Grove school, Wente school.
A/M 253. Typewriters, fire engine, and mimeograph in Historical Society’s collection.
A/M 254. History of the Village of Palatine. Palatine Historical Society, 1955.
A/M 255. Walking tour books.
A/M 256. Village of Inverness. Arthur T. McIntosh.
A/M 257. Palatine Historical Society early documents.
A/M 258. Palatine High School title search.
A/M 260. Triangular lot, south of the RR and east of Smith St., and north of Wilson St., title search.
A/M 261. 104 N. Benton St., 18 N. Smith St., deeds.
A/M 262. Nora Spies (nee Shering) documents.
A/M 263. Palatine Centennial Book updated 1991.
A/M 264. Palatine Independent newspaper 1892-1893. Palatine Sun, 1877. Richard Sanborn scrapbook, Palatine Independent news clippings, 1896-1899.
A/M 265. Civil War reenactment, 1991. Frank Regan on street names. Schering Blacksmith. Postcard collection. Eastern Star, 1957. Paddock School dedication, 1955. Chamber of Commerce booklet, 1986. Chicago Tribune on annexation northeast of Dundee and Hicks, 1999. Tammerack. Palatine Pioneer, 1955. Seip’s Auditorium, 1924. Matthew Richmond and Frederick Filbert. Palatine celebrates a hundred years of incorporation.
A/M 266. Palatine Township assessments, 1961, 1964, 1980-1981.
A/M 267. Public domain land sales in Illinois.
A/M 268. Palatine Fire Department. Palatine Park District fire, 1957. Sunny Croft hatchery fires. Schoppe’s fire, 1970. Ben Franklin fire, 1973. Paramedics, 1975. Orville Helms retirement, 1978. Knupper nursery fire. William Hafferkamp fire. Norman Rundle fire. Prellberg’s shed fire. Mrs. Meyer’s hotel fire. H.C. Batterman’s fire. Brandt’s little cafe fire.
A/M 269. 113th Infantry Regiment history.
A/M 270. Growth of Palatine by annexation.
A/M 271. Geraldine Cosby collection.
A/M 272. Wood Street School course of study 1914-1915. Palatine’s Fall Festival, 1933. School District #211 annual report 1979-1980. Class history from graduating class of 1914. Addie Filbert teaching history, 1974. Palatine High School dedication booklet, 1977. Fremd High School “Viking Logue” student newspaper, 1980. Fremd Vikings reach final four.
A/M 273. Fred Vogt agrees to buy building at southwest corner of Slade and Bothwell from State Bank of Palatine and move building to north half of his property in Robertson-Patten subdivision.
A/M 274. Resources for genealogical research. Antique Week. Bob and Fran Green. Sears house at 249 N Plum Grove Rd.
A/M 275. Brown’s Chicken & Pasta murdersra
A/M 276. Charles S. Cutting scrapbook. Anna E. Lytle scrapbook. Bradwell family.
A/M 277. Grand Army of the Republic. John Lewis Bergman naturalization, 1880. Article about Civil War tokens issued by merchants.
A/M 278. Kitson collection.
A/M 279. John P. Wilson bible genealogical pages.
A/M 280. Cornelia Halsey trunk.
A/M 281. Marion Uber paper doll collection.
A/M 282. “The Jones Live Map”, an instrument which held disc travel records,1910. Johanna Marie Louise Wittenburg.
A/M 283. Avery Wolfram collection. Fort Dearborn massacre. Wheeling township. A study of Cook County, 1914, map shows actual and proposed county roads. Palatine Transportation Center. Aerial view of Palatine. James Wilson. Quentin Road spelling. Durty Nellies. Imperiale’s old town inn. “Story of Dan Cook”, Cook County named after. Cook County highways. Article on naming Palatine road. Ela township. Esther Perica, Rolling Meadows. Peter Volid, Schaumburg. Sunderlage farmhouse. Land ownership maps of Cook county, 1920. [Cannot find folders 7, 8]
A/M 284. Avery Wolfram railroad collection.
A/M 285. Lottie Hart drawings. Charles Cutting coat of arms.
A/M 286. School records, 1873-1903. Harry Kruse experience at Starck hospital, 1973. Methodist church history from 1887.
A/M 287. Mrs. Charles (Minnie Fink) Seip scrapbook. Mangel’s scrapbook 1930s-1940s. Schoppe scrapbook of 1935 centennial parade.
A/M 288. John Hagenow.
A/M 289. 1991 Quasquicentennial celebration street banner.
A/M 290. Agricultural census of Palatine Township 1850-1880.
A/M 291. 113th Illinois Volunteer Regiment Co. E.
A/M 292. Folleth farm equipment auction poster 1939-1940. Same for Timmerman. McIntosh Plum Grove Rd. development sidewalk plan.
A/M 293. Railroad items.
A/M 294. Palatine Township federal census 1850-1870.
A/M 295. Starck hospital papers found in the walls, 1999.
A/M 296. Palatine Area Citizens for Enlightened Majorities (PACEM) organization that protested the Vietnam War.
A/M 297. 249 N Plum Grove Rd paperwork.
A/M 298. Hard House.
A/M 299. Hillside Cemetery by Connie Rawa. Pioneer Cemeteries of Palatine Township by Connie Rawa.
A/M 301. Sears School of Music of Barrington. (with many Palatine students)
A/M 302. Concert recitals, 1901.
A/M 303. Palatine Concert Band.
A/M 304. Arithmetic workbook, 1910.
A/M 305. Inverness.
A/M 306. Union cemetery.
A/M 307. Deer Grove Evangelical Church and Cemetery. Old Plum Grove cemetery. Salem United Methodist Church.
A/M 308. Northwest Community Hospital.
A/M 309. Joseph Slade release deed. At Kinson house, Inverness.
A/M 310. Cook County Fair.
A/M 311. Harness racing at Dean’s racetrack in Palatine.
A/M 312. Palatine Community Hospital. Palatine Nurses Club.
A/M 313. Jaycees. American Legion. Eastern Star. Indian Days at Deer Grove.
A/M 314. Palatine Park District.
A/M 315. Zimmer hardware.
A/M 316. Sanitary meat market.
A/M 317. Business Directory 1955. Arts council 1979. Chamber of Commerce. Palatine community association.
A/M 318. Saint Paul Sunday School ribbon. Emmanuel Lutheran centennial “Memories” booklet.
A/M 319. Recital, concert programs.
A/M 320. Kublank business cards. Lawsuit against Paddock family. Magazine “American Illustrated”.
A/M 321. Palatine Public Library.
A/M 322. Palatine High School graduates reunion 1955.
A/M 323. Gaare property title abstract.
A/M 324. Doctor Carl Starck.
A/M 325. Whitcomb genealogy.
A/M 326. Dick Erickson, sculptor.
A/M 327. School District No.6.
A/M 328. F.G. Robinson. Olms Drug Store. Coleman’s pharmacy.
A/M 329. Palatine Public Library.
A/M 330. Banks in Palatine.
A/M 331. Cemeteries.
A/M 332. Lumber, grain, feed, coal, and building material businesses. Comfort lumber company.
A/M 333. Matthei store. Squire Schierding’s store. Dr. Olcott. Schoppe Bros. cookbook, 1913. [missing]
A/M 334. School District No. 211.
A/M 335. Palatine Police Department.
A/M 336. Illinois Bell Telephone company.
A/M 337. Dr. Black. Plum Grove Nursing Home. Good Shepherd Hosital.
A/M 338. Funeral parlors: Danielsen, Tharp, Ahlgrim, Poole, Ost
A/M 339. Bowman Dairy. Mess Dairy. Palatine Dairy. Leonard Dairy. Rateike Dairy.
A/M 340. Politics: GOP, People’s Party, Palatine Citizens’ Party, Wendell Jones, Village Independent Party, Ralph Peck.
A/M 341. Students of W.N. Sears.
A/M 342. Florence Parkhurst notes: Glenn Bollenbach. F.P. Family. Fountain Four Horses. Cleo Billick and William Godkneckt. Wendell Jones. Wood Mansion. Wheeling Circuit. Helen Snook. Frank Bicknase. Evelyn Dexter. Martin Johnson. John Foskett. Lucille Burrows. Zimmer Hardware. Sayles cemetery. Burlingame. Janet Pease. Fred Oswald.
A/M 343. Palatine florist. Nelson’s Bo-kay Shop. Palatine Floral Company. Kinsch.
A/M 344. Village of Palatine 1950s and 1960s.
A/M 345. Albert Olms on assassination of William McKinley. Salt Creek. Village Hall.
A/M 346. Municipal code of Palatine, 1929.
A/M 347. Village newsletter, 1976-1978.
A/M 348. Mosquito abatement 1954-1964.
A/M 349. Discussion on disposal of old Palatine High School on Wood street.
A/M 350. Booklet on Republican workshops on village government in Palatine.
A/M 351. Hugh Aspinwall on WHT radio in Chicago.
A/M 352. Palatine Homes: 49 N Benton, 152 N Brockway, farmhouse of Algonquin road, 328 N Plum Grove, Kitson house on Quentin, 246 N Plum Grove, Abelman homestead, 103 N Benton, 24 S Bothwell, 3 E Slade, Patten House, “Century-Old Houses”, highest taxed homes in Palatine 1906, Abelman house sold to Henry Bruhnes on Slade, Godknecht house, D.B. Wood store on 3 E Slade, 13 pages on early Palatine, property on Seldon Woods (Inverness) followed from Thomas Atkinson to Arthur McIntosh to Stanley Pepper, 16 W Palatine, 14 W Wilson, 61 N Benton, 201 N Plum Grove, 302 W Palatine, 222 N Benton, 303 N Brockway, 60 E Slade, 104 N Plum Grove, 136 Inverway, 37 N Benton, 32 N Quentin, 50 W Wood, 225 N Plum Grove, 106 S Brockway, layout of Inverness plots, Frey farmhouse on Freeman road, George Smith house.
A/M 353. Buffalo Grove historical society.
A/M 354 (A). Palatine Library.
A/M 354 (B). Palatine Bicentennial.
A/M 355. Palatine Township, senior citizens center, the bridge, Robert Bergman, Veterans’ memorial.
A/M 356. Jonathan Wilson shoemaker.
A/M 357. Fire destroys old business block. William Babcock home. Plum Grove settlers lived well. Batterman and Ost flour and grist mill. Plaques.
A/M 358. Annexations: Rolling Meadows. Freeman farm. Pleasant Hill. Fairgrounds park. Plum Grove terrace. Polk brothers. H.B. Fuller. Reimer reservoir. Mayfair. Charles Klopp. Zale.
A/M 359. Old railroad depot, 1948. History of Palatine enterprise.
A/M 360. Cook County Herald, 76 years old.
A/M 361. Florence Parkhurst memorabilia.
A/M 362. Recycling. Henry G. Hulbert. Rollin Samuel Williamson.
A/M 363. Godknecht cigars. Sneibel drivers’ licenses tuition receipt 1863.
A/M 364. Des Plaines.
A/M 365. Fred Folleth.
A/M 366. Harris Webster. Charles Patten bank robbery. Palatine Independent. Mac & Al’s Corner Tap (now Lamplighters) murder May 7, 1962.
A/M 367. Obituaries. Cady cemetery.
A/M 368. Harlow Baker. James Wilson. Phineas Castle. Israel Smith.
A/M 369. Personal property assessment list 1915, 1922, 1925, 1911, 1913, 1939.
A/M 370. Hajduk.
A/M 371. Chicago Telephone Company.
A/M 372. Tamerack. Carriage Way. Atkinson house of Inverness. Amber Ridge.
A/M 373. Edward Kublank letters (1955-1956) to the newly formed Palatine Historical Society on early history.
A/M 374. Personal Property Tax Assessment list.
A/M 375. Economic comparison; native-born and foreign-born settlers 1840-1850.
A/M 376. Sears homes. Lustron homes.
A/M 377. Palatine centennial 1955.
A/M 378. D.E. Porter. Inheritance tax dockets (1871-1953). Janet Paddock Nichols.
A/M 379. Minnie Gaare will.
A/M 380. Civil War veterans .
A/M 381. League of Women voters, 1960.
A/M 382. Schneible property.
A/M 383. Florence Parkhurst wedding invitation. Gil & Myra Foskett 25th anniversary. Lytle’s 50th anniversary.
A/M 384. Holtzee, Reuter, and Rieke families. Mabel, Bruhns, Tyssen.
A/M 385. Mayflower families. Schering, Schoppe, Stege.
A/M 386. Palatine High School 1928, Deer Grove School, savings stamp folder, Palatine school report cards. Graduation program. 8th grade closing exercises.
A/M 387. Mason Sutherland Civil War service. 113th Illinois infantry. Illinois military units in the Civil War. Hillel Gameron’s retirement from Beth Tikvah Congregation, 1994. Women in the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln’s Death.
A/M 388. Palatine Public Works.
A/M 389. Palatine Historical Society 50th anniversary, 2005. Sue Gould and Alma Arps recipes-cookbook. 50th anniversary float.
A/M 390. Chamber of Commerce. League of Women Voters.
A/M 391. Palatine as a ship of New England, 1936.
A/M 392. Florence Parkhurst memorial. Judge Charles Cutting. Henry Schirding. 58 N Benton.
A/M 393. Hillside cemetery. Cemetery Care Act of 1957 and 1967. Cady cemetery. Sutherland cemetery. Union cemetery. Greendale section of Hillside cemetery. Monument to unknown soldier and cannon in Hillside cemetery.
A/M 400. Doctor Cyrus Preston Draper. Sayles farm auction. William Godknecht high school notebook. Palatine High School class of 1934.
A/M 401. 2011 History Crawl. 2012 History Crawl.
A/M 402. Early 19th century families. Death notices from Barrington newspapers.
A/M 403. Palatine downtown redevelopment.
A/M 404. Village of Palatine government.
A/M 405. Erie Canal museum. Whitewater Canal of Metamore, Indiana.
A/M 406. Village of Palatine microfilm.
A/M 407. Village of Palatine resolution conveying Board minutes, 1866-1973 to Palatine Historical Society.
A/M 408. Palatine Centennial Book name index by Mary Regan, subject index by David Hammer.
A/M 409. Palatine sanitary sewers. Flood relief. Water supply. Traffic control. Planning.
A/M 410. Palatine liquor license laws.
A/M 411. The Chicago Catholic Archives and Record Center, 1550 Northwest Highway.
A/M 412. Illinois Bell telephone. Palatine National Bank. Prellberg building. Palatine Community Hospital. Samuel Lipofsky store. Papa Shays. Sunshine Food Store. Brandt’s Restaurant. Palatine Liquor Store. Langer Printing. Palatine Chamber of Commerce. Village Inn. One Hoss Shay. Donkey Inn. Office Pub. Lamplighter’s Inn. Kirchoff Food Store. Dutch Garden Grill. Palatine Dog and Suds. The Paddock Club. Radio Club Farm. Ram-Dee. County Line Inn. Mirobar.
A/M 413. Palatine master plans.
A/M 414. St. Theresa Church
A/M 415. Cook County Fair. Railroad wreck of 1887. Palatine Public Library. Palatine South Little League.
A/M 416. Cutting Hall.
A/M 417. United Citizens Party.
A/M 418. United Citizens Party.
A/M 419. United Citizens Party.
A/M 420. United Citizens Party.
A/M 421. Republican Party.
A/M 422. Richard Mugalian. Palatine Township Democratic Party.
A/M 423. Glade farm. Palatine Park District. Winston Park. Palatine Hills Golf Course. Wally Digner. Robert “Dutch” Schultz.
A/M 424. 1991 Quascuicentennial Book.
A/M 425. Purchase of Palatine High School, 1928.
A/M 426. H.C. Matthei. Louise Wildhagen. History Fair, 1980. Palatine Rebekah Lodge. Queen Esther Circle. Banks almanac, 1889. Early schools.
A/M 427. Cinderella Park. Northview news.
A/M 428. C&NW RR Historical Society collection. PLZ&W RR. Union Hotel. Bowman Dairy. Comfort Lumber.
A/M 429. Richmond Dairy.
A/M 430. Mund Hank. Pratt subdivision. Clayson House parcel. Albert Smith property. Lytle’s subdivision. Palatine Historical society charter. Dean and Slade.
A/M 431. Joel Wood. Nancy Sutherland. William Wood.
A/M 432. Lustron steel homes from Homewood.
A/M 433. PLZ&W RR motor truck from Scientific American, 1920.
A/M 434. Obituaries, births, and marriages.
A/M 435. 113th Regiment.
A/M 436. Crabtree Nature Center chronology. Brightland farm. Barrington chronology 1834-1963. Eustice. Economy fuse.
A/M 437. Palatine Review, 1902.
A/M 438. Hometown festival. Palatine Human Relations Committee. Geraldine Cosby. Affordable housing. Village tree.
A/M 439. Palatine Players.
A/M 440. Valentine’s Plaza Pharmacy. Clayson House restoration. Delia Krueger teaching piano.
A/M 441. Senior Citizen Week, 1976. Doctor Carl Stark biography. Palatine Chamber of Commerce, 1980.
A/M 442. The Hatchet, a newspaper published on the high seas during the war, 1918.
A/M 443. C&NW RR wood-burning locomotive Port Washington. Paddock Publications. Comfort Lumber. 1955 Centennial.
A/M 444. Schoppe’s store. Deer Grove Indian encampment. Wood Street School. Your Friendly Neighbor. Adolph Kunze, pure oil dealer.
A/M 445. Kolze’s garden market. Moving the carriage house. Clayson House. Palatine Plaza. Kroger.
A/M 446. Biography of John Patten.
A/M 447. Prairie Woods Autobahn Society. Palatine prairie.
A/M 448. Bowman Dairy.
A/M 449. Modern woodmen of America. Copy of History of Palatine removed from the cornerstone of the brick block.
A/M 450. Old homes of Palatine: Patten House. 104 N Plum Grove Rd. 44 N Wilson Street. Godknecht home. A.G. Smith home, 5 N Benton St.
A/M 451. 1939 windshield sticker. 1917 report card.
A/M 452. Found in the walls in the Hildebrandt house at 131 E Slade St: Woodstock Daily Sentinel. One pair cloth leggings. United States National Guard. 129th Infantry Regiment.
A/M 453. Palatine post office. Water mains. Reservoir. Palatine Industrial Committee.
A/M 454. Cook County Farmers Institute.
A/M 455. 1970 Palatine flood.
A/M 456. Palatine Village Seal, 1992.
A/M 457. Persian Gulf War, men who served.
A/M 458. Ahlgrim’s Funeral Home. Lytle house 302 W Palatine Rd. Mike’s Bike Shop. Ahlgrim Acres.
A/M 459. Cemetery walk scripts. Newspaper articles about Hillside cemetery.
A/M 460. 53 Drive-In 1987. Mosser Drug Store. Highland Grove School. Priscilla Oswald recollection of Christmas in 1900. A.G. Smith family. Sutherland relief corps.
A/M 461. 1933 Chicago World’s Fair.
A/M 462. Palatine Public Library.
A/M 463. Maps available from US government.
A/M 464. Palatine Fire Dept.
A/M 465. Palatine roads, 1950s. Street names. Quentin Road name change, misspellings. William Quentin general store. Schuylar Colfax.
A/M 466. Meadowgrove Estates. Pleasant Hills. Palanois Park. Northwest Highway improvements, 1930.
A/M 467. Downtown redevelopment. Over the hill gang. K Kopecky’s home. Civil War research. Palatine prairie. Brandt’s financial concepts. Kimmet millinery shop.
A/M 468. William Kehe, Palatine postmaster memories. Red Horse Grill. Rolling Meadows shopping center.
A/M 469. Westerberg’s woodlands. Old Indian boundary line.
A/M 470. Village of Palatine boundaries in selected years.
A/M 471. 1987 centennial celebration, village of Palatine.
A/M 472. Bill Kehe, Arthur McIntosh.
A/M 473. Palatine library history. Bibliography of Illinois, Chicago, and its environs.
A/M 474. Comfort property. Inverness estates. Lipofsky. Weaver’s gas station on Northwest Highway. Bierman’s house at 100 S Plum Grove Rd. Deeds and abstracts.
A/M 475. Village of Palatine growth through annexation.
A/M 476. Avery Wolfrum on the problems of maintaining old cemeteries. Palatine Township cemetery board.
A/M 477. Old maps.
A/M 478. Nora Schering Spies.
A/M 479. Genealogy of Palatine families.
A/M 480. Duplicate slides.
A/M 481. Boy Scouts.
A/M 482. C&NW railroad wreck, 1950. Tickets. Schedules. Palatine, Lake Zurich, and Wauconda railroad. W.R. & E.T. Co. Third track. Water tank burst, 1887. Snowstorm, 1881.
A/M 483. Wente.
A/M 484. Joel Wood’s subdivision.
A/M 485. Tax receipts, brick block cornerstone.
A/M 486. Bills of sale for slaves (no location give).
A/M 487. Florence PARKGURST material.
A/M 488. Growth of Palatine.
A/M 489. Autographed books from Palatine residents.
A/M 490. Jonathan Wilson.
A/M 491. Carriage house.
A/M 492. Older structures of Palatine: Brandt’s little cafe, originally Wilson farmhouse c.1860 moved from Baldwin and Roselle to Northwest Highway and Quentin in the 1930s, map, photograph, archeological survey.
A/M 493. Town meeting, 1850 Palatine Township.
A/M 494. Illinois proposal for hard road system. Report on the growth of Palatine township with maps. ‘
A/M 495. Housing developments: Coventry Park (Lexington Homes). Dunhaven Woods, built on Rhul-DeSort farm next to Deer Grove Park. Plum Grove Court condominiums, 104 N Plum Grove Rd, site of former Grener home. (many more)
A/M 496. Palatine Park District.
A/M 497. Model retrospective newspaper index. Palatine during the depression. Palatine in 1929. Cook County suburban and rural directory, 1929. Palatine High School new building, 1928.
A/M 498. Aerial photographs.
A/M 499. Palatine in 1929.
A/M 500. Letter from Willard Lull who lived in Palatine from 1929 to 1944.
A/M 501. Hecht Family reunion.
A/M 502. Palatine time capsule.
A/M 503. Internal letters.
A/M 504. Palatinate.
A/M 505. PLZ&W Railroad. C&NW Railroad.
A/M 506. Newspaper articles.
A/M 507. School District 15.
A/M 508. Comfort. Brockway. Mabel Cummings. Nelson’s Bo-kay. Schoppe.
A/M 509. Lake Zurich.
A/M 510. Seip’s auditorium. Sanford’s tavern. Orwell Helms. Mercie Heise. Landwehr. Quintens Utility Co. Warren kayler farm.
A/M 511. Wildhagen. Thompson. Torgler. Starck. Helms. Indian Day.
A/M 512. Palatine firefighters memorial. Rural fire department. Porep farm.
A/M 513. Danielsen funeral home. Civil defense.
A/M 514. Palatine Nurses Club.
A/M 515. Suburban Cook County Homemakers Extension Association.
A/M 516. 1860 mortality schedule, Palatine Township. History of Inverness. Ray Mill’s will.
A/M 517. Walking tours.
A/M 518. PLZ&W Railroad.
A/M 519. Elmer Gliech. Palatine golf course. Arthur McIntosh. Kinsch village florist. Minnie Harmoning suicide and scandal. Sanitary market. Rabbi Hillel Gamoran. Zimmer hardware.
A/M 520. Hobby Hill Road, south of Algonquin Rd and off of Ela Rd. Lytle house. John Ernst Winkleman farm. Bernard Pedersen biography.
A/M 521. Palatine population.
A/M 522. Edward Kublank sued A. Gordon Humphrey.
A/M 523. Clayson House banister. Palatine houses. Langer printing. Schoppe fire. McElroy retirement. 1979 blizzard.
A/M 524. Sister cities. Crazy quilt.
A/M 525. Hillside cemetery.
A/M 526. Palatine marriages 1828-1948 and births 1828-1948. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
A/M 527. Cook County Fair. Local businesses.
A/M 528. Palatine centennial celebration.
A/M 529. A.H. Lamb, Civil War. John Patten. M.L. Pinney. Ezekiel Cady.
A/M 530. Palatine Ice Cream Co. Palatine plaza. Hillside school. Charles Dean. Ralph Wiehrdt.
A/M 531. Palatine in 1929.
A/M 532. Joel Wood. Walt Sarnow. Dinse Block.
A/M 533. History of Clayson House. House plaques.
A/M 534. Coleman’s pharmacy.
A/M 535. Deer Grove Park.
A/M 536. Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition.
A/M 537. Palatine High School reunion, 1913, 1937, 1965.
A/M 538. The Civil War at Rose Hill Cemetery.
A/M 539. 1840 Illinois Federal Census.
A/M 540. Palatine Police Department Newspaper. Village Square Cornerstone.
A/M 541. First issue of Palatine Herald, March 17th 1969.
A/M 542. C&NW Railroad.
A/M 543. Ezekiel Cady. Clarinda Cady. C&NW Railroad. Palatine depot.
A/M 544. Deer Grove forest preserve. Camp Reinberg. Cook County Fair. Forest View Highlands. 74-page booklet “Origin of Names and Histories of Places in the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois.” Battermann brick block cornerstone.
A/M 545. House plaques.
A/M 546. PLZ&W Railroad.
A/M 547. Alice Rosenberg. Origin on street names. A.G. Smith on the “History of Palatine”. Clayson House restoration.
A/M 548. Cook County Delinquent Tax Lists.
A/M 549. Illinois National Guard.
A/M 550. George Clayson. Delia Krueger.
A/M 551. “Pocket Lessons” for Sunday schools, 1891.
A/M 552. Palatine Township Sesquicentennial Celebration. 1898 Patten House. St Theresa additions.
A/M 553. “Common School” Diplomum. Herman Glade farm and house at 400 S Plum Grove Rd.
A/M 554. United Motor Coach schedule, 1964. Palatine centennial. Old homes.
A/M 555. Jim Vogt’s barbershop. Historic Palatine. Old settlers.
A/M 556. Palatine Emergency Management Agency. Bal Masque given by Mistletoe Pleasure Club, January 26th 1883 in Bergman Hall.
A/M 557. 1918 Prarie Farmers Directory. Erie Canal.
A/M 558. Abraham Lincoln.
A/M 559. Palatine Township street names.
A/M 560. Teonia Woods subdivision. Homes moved from Deer Grove park. Westerberg Woodlands. Indian Boundary line.
A/M 561. Roberts poultry farms.
A/M 562. Harriett Torgler.
A/M 563. Slade Street Station tenants.
A/M 564. Old Indian Treaty boundary line.
A/M 565. The Enterprise, 1897. Palatine Register, 1889.
A/M 566. “Then and Now” by Alice Rosenberg.
A/M 567. Webster. Mitchell.
A/M 568. Brzutowski tractor.
A/M 569. Durty Nellies. Danielsen furniture store. Prellberg tailor shop.
A/M 570. Mayor Rita Mullins house on Brockway.
A/M 571. David Rutt.
A/M 572. Palatine savings and loans.
A/M 573. Florence Parkhurst.
A/M 574. Spotlight. Cutlass.
A/M 575. Advertisements from late 1800s to 1958.
A/M 576. Palatine Livery.